What influence is Russia having on the French presidential campaign?

The Russian influence on the elections has been discussed by many, particularly in connection with Trump's election. The official Russian propaganda outlets Sputnik and Russia Today are also often mentioned. But how much influence does Russia actually have? Who is spreading this information? How much influence do the propagators have over the content of the presidential election? Find out from Brandwatch and Visibrain.
The findings
Sputnik and Russia TodaySputnik barely covers the French presidential election. On the contrary, Russia Today does, and with enormous success: 145,017 different people were reached. However, this success must be tempered by the fact that the number of people who have had more than one interaction with the two Russian media outlets remains quite confidential. (less than 15,000 individuals)
Russian propaganda relaysThe relays of Russian propaganda are mainly grouped around the Fillon, Marine Le Pen and Asselineau communities. It is interesting to note that despite the support for Russia, Mélenchon does not seem to be represented in the communities.
Mainly anonymous
Most people who interact do so under a pseudonym (90%), which raises serious questions.
Russia Today and Sputnik do not replace other media
The "Western" media are well represented in the most followed accounts. At least for the Fillon and Asselineau communities. Not at all for Marine Le Pen's accounts, which only seem to follow Russian media.
One thing in common: Macron
All the communities have one thing in common: a negative propaganda campaign against Macron. In all 3 communities, it's the most tweeted word, while all the big, well-shared articles are negative ones about Macron. The difference in the discussions is marked by the candidates they support.
I. Sputnik and RT French
The first stage of my investigation began with an analysis of the French-language accounts of Sputnik and Russia Today. To do this, I collected two and a half months of activity on these accounts in order to see the content posted and the users affected.
- Sputnik

Activity around Sputnik attracted an audience of 57,337 different people in the form of retweets. The gain in followers (net followers) was fairly limited over the period. Sputnik's main themes are Russia, Syria, the USA and Ukraine. There is no real focus on the French presidential election.

As far as Russia Today is concerned, the audience in the form of retweets is quite simply enormous: 145,017 different people reached. And the worst thing is that Russia Today's editorial line is essentially centred around France and the presidential election. Among its favourite subjects: Hollande, Fillon and Macron.

II. Isolating RT/Sputnik fans
The second stage of my work was to gather together the users who had been captured many times. There are only 14,792 individuals with two interactions. When we take 10 interactions with Sputnik and Russia Today, we only have 6006 profiles identified. I focused on these 6006 profiles to analyse how these people followed each other. The bigger the dot, the more it is followed in the ecosystem. The colour symbolises the community to which it belongs. There are 3 main communities.
A community very close to Sputnik and Russia Today: the UPR and Asselineau
This community is mainly made up of UPR activists. There are also the main media outlets, straddling the line between the Republicans and the UPR, a sign that they also follow the mainstream media, unlike the identitarian communities.
A Republican community - Fillon

An identity community - FN

The influencers in these spheres.
There are both well-known players in the patriosphere and in the field of patriots, but also traditional media, which shows that the latter are nonetheless part of this alternative information stream. 1 Valeurs Actuelles

III. What are they talking about in general?
The most active.

2. By community, on the presidential election
I then looked at each of the communities to see what they had in common.a) The most Russian community around Sputnik, Russia Today and UPR/Asselineau

b) The identity community/Front National

The Fillon community
On the Fillon side, Macron is also the most tweeted word: