Thomas Bauwens

Our role is to elevate data and its understanding as the foundational element of all creative decisions, whether it involves content, design, animation, or web development. The goal is simple: to bring your organisation as close as possible to what truly resonates with your audiences and stakeholders.
Career and studies
With masterOur role is to elevate data and its understanding as the foundational element of all creative decisions, whether it involves content, design, animation, or web development. The goal is simple: to bring your organisation as close as possible to what truly resonates with your audiences and stakeholders. degrees in Journalism and European Affairs from UCL, Thomas has honed his skills through diverse experiences: journalist, communication manager, editor-in-chief, and creative director. He began his career as a freelance European journalist and later worked at the European Parliament as a project manager and journalist for a UK-based agency, where he led a team covering European news audiovisually.
In 2010, Thomas joined Plastics Europe as Media & Communications Manager, handling numerous sensitive issues such as bisphenol A and maritime pollution. He then served as editor-in-chief of CORDIS, the European Commission’s research information service. In 2014, he founded Fastlane, his own communication company specializing in science and European affairs. There, he significantly developed his skills in digital communication strategy, graphic design, web development, and content strategy. His clients included European institutions, Solvay, PwC, Ineos, and numerous European associations, NGOs, and think tanks.
Role at Saper Vedere
Thomas joined Saper Vedere in 2023 as Director of the Creative hub, where he brings his expertise in digital strategy, content creation, and communication tools development. He is particularly active in driving innovation at Saper Vedere in corporate identity design, societal marketing, and data-driven digital communication strategies.